Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Leaving Home

7 July 2012
Well the day has come for us to depart from good old Canada and head to the UK to start our 41 day vacation. Tina has prepared her packing well in advance(some 2 weeks),now purging and starting over, I on the other hand have left it to the last day, and threw veerything in the suitcase, weighted it, too heavy and took a bunch of stuff out.
Family and Friends at the Airport to wish us a farewell journey.....Flight time 10PM, Iceland Air to Rekevick.
All went well at HIA, good flight to Iceland, overnight(the "red eye"), no sleep, arrived at Iceland 0515 hrs. A two hour layover and on to the next leg to the UK.
Good flight to Heathrow, and arrived at 1145 hrs. Good custom/immigration clearance, and out nto the main lobby where we were met by Justine and Richard Ayears, family with whom we will enjoy this holiday with. Lots of catching up to do. Afetr  "tea" we hit the "Anchor" pub for some needed refreshments. After little or no sleep it was off to bedZZZZZZZZ. More later.

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